2020 COVID-19 Hit
It was a tough but necessary choice to end indoor photography since it was found that working indoors was very high risk without employing masks. Photography requires the subjects to obviously be seen, so there was no way around this. That’s why I had to pause indoor newborn sessions during covid.
Cautiously Optimistic
My goal is to restart some indoor work by late Summer/early Fall if things go well (ie no crazy variants). It’s still very TBD at this point. To better prepare you, I’ve written up some tips to help you prepare your home for your newborn and newborn session at home. You can read more HERE.
Why I had to make the tough decision to stop in-home photography

Cleaning up
The issue in the past is that I am very detail oriented with items in my frame and what I include/exclude. Even though I request things to be cleaned up before I arrive, the newborn and a toddler understandably puts a wrench in everyone’s well-intentioned plans. I would say 99% of the sessions I’ve done in the home, I’ve had to do some cleaning of the space with moving laundry, opening drapes, dusting, refuse on side tables by the bed, etc. I get it! It’s part of my services and I do it because I want you to love your images.
However, due to COVID, I can no longer do those things. This is also why I’ve had to put a hold on indoor photography. If I am stifled and not able to clean and the limited amount of time I can be in the home to photograph just leads things to be very rushed and I won’t be able to produce a product I would be proud of. As a result, I’ve just had to say no to any indoor commissions in the home. Homes SHOULD look lived in, and I completely understand. But this is something that many people may overlook when trying to understand why I have to be hesitant. No one’s home looks like they do in my photos (OK maybe 5% do!).

6′ social distancing
Another reason is that homes have furniture and some clutter. This is 100% fine. But when trying to keep mobile and 6′ social distancing, I am generally not able to keep 6′ distance inside of homes. I live in a tiny 600 sq ft apartment in Davis Square. I am realistic at real estate sizes in the Boston area.
My gear bag and what I bring into your home
Just like I realistically cannot expect things in your home to be germ-free, I cannot guarantee my bag and camera gear is germ-free. I clean things with an alcohol wipe (camera gear) but my bag, coat, shoes (I take off when I enter, but still..) are all possible vectors. I don’t operate within a cleanroom. With a newborn that’s unvaccinated, I do not want the possibility of bringing anything into your home. My shoes are often sampled by pups and toddlers when I leave them at the front door too (apparently shoes are tasty?) ! So that’s something I need to consider. I wash all of my clothing immediately after every session, so my clothes should be clean, but I can’t wash my bag, or throw my camera in the wash.
Another variable is toddlers. They will always do what they want. So that’s why I need the room clean in all directions. I never know what they will do. I can no longer handle them as I’m no-touch these days and in the past, 95% of the sessions I’ve had to catch kids as they fall over, try to clobber their newborn sibling, or help grab the newborn as the parents struggle to wrangle the toddler. It’s VERY high-touch. I feel like my hands are tied if I can no longer step in for safety.

Toddlers are also sometimes VERY friendly and I adore that. But I often get some bodily fluids on me during these sessions and right now it might not be the safest time!
Same thing applies for pets

I also spend a lot of time holding and calming the newborn to give new parents a break. Since I can no longer do this so the variety of images we can get will be more limited with a fussy baby, but we will make it work! That’s why I ask for 5 images from my portfolio that you love so I can focus on grabbing those in case things go south. It’s a compromise and why I’ve had to move to a more documentary style of photography. Please take a look at my work on my website to make sure it’s right for you. I’m now offering mini-films for newborn sessions as well!
Exceptions with newborn sessions during covid
If all members in the household are vaccinated/immune (newborn excluded) and once I’m fully vaccinated, I will consider restarting some in-home work if enough prep work / deep cleaning is done ahead of time. I also have to be able to keep 6′ distance away at all times. I don’t want to put extra pressure on new parents so that’s why I’m hesitant to even offer this. It’ll be on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out if you qualify. My goal is late Summer/early Fall to offer these exceptional in-home sessions with parents and their newborn.
Outdoor Newborn Photography

I am still offering outdoor newborn sessions at the current time. There are lots of samples on my website so please take a look. It’s the best way to keep safe.
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